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DEAR COPENHAGEN SUBORBITALS GUESTS, We'll get right to it: We need your help to run Copenhagen Suborbitals. This is a 100% non-profit project driven by sheer joy and hard work. We survive on donations averaging about $10, that we use to pay for raw materials, tools, our workshop, electricity and most importantly, rocket fuel. The entire CS team are unpaid volunteers, building rockets in our spare time. If this project brings you joy, please donate to keep it running. Thank you.

Nexø I rocket launch debriefing poster

On Sunday September 4th from 12 AM to 3 PM, a public debriefing will be held for all interested rocket enthusiasts.
The debriefing will cover all results and experiences learned from the Nexø I launch in July.
What went well, what went not so well?
At the event a number of talks will be presented by the personnel responsible for design, production and launch of Nexø I.
After the talks are concluded, you are invited to see and touch Nexø I (what’s left of it), meet the CS team, and ask questions. All the tall tales about the mission will undoubtedly be aired too.
The event will take place in our workshop, HAB. Street address is Copenhagen Suborbitals, Refshalevej 183A, 1432 Copenhagen K.
The event is free of charge, and everybody is invited.


Welcome – Kristian Elof Sørensen
The Great Chairman will present the event.

Nexø I – design og flight – Thomas Pedersen, Flight leader
How Nexø I was manufactured. What was the purpose of the rocket, and how was it launched.

Guidance, Navigation & Control – Flemming Nyboe, “Guido”
About the evolution of the system since Sapphire. Presentation of the GNC telemetry from the flight, and the causes for the missing parachute deployment.

BPM-5 performance – Jacob Skov Larsen, PAD leader
About BPM-5 prior to launch, and data and video from the latest pre-launch static engine test. Reasons for the slow and low flight. The assignment as PAD on Sputnik, description and impressions.
Presentation of the engine and its components.

Network with difficulties – Peter Scott, DATA
A data network overview. Observed anomalies. The telemetry system, an overview and in-flight performance description.

Description of FIDO and Mission Control – Mads Wilson, ”Fido”
A presentation of the FIDO system. Why do we have it, how is it implemented. How do we plan for expansion.

Parachute and ballut – Mads Stenfatt
The parachute department also learned from the mission. Although neither ballut nor parachute was deployed, we have aquired data for estimating touchdown coordinates. Simulations will be compared to actual results.

Nose cone – Rune Hensell
The nose cone design and construction. The separation system. Why is the nose cone not made to be able to withstand a 530 km/h impact?

Stream: Solutions and means – Peter Mærsk, ”Stream”
A presentation of the live stream setup, and a story about expectations of broadcast quality results. What hardware is available to the stream team.

Towards Nexø II – Thomas Pedersen, Flight leader
What are the lessons learned from Nexø I, and how will they influence Nexø II? Design and objective of Nexø II.

Video presentation – Claus Mejling, Video
Learn about CS’ one-man TV production department named ”Mejling TV”. Photography, sound, lights, planning, scripting, editing and producing are all done by one single person.

Pat the rocket – meet our team.
See the Nexø I rocket after flight. All departments are prepared for a show and tell session, meet the guys who drilled, milled, soldered, welded, and bent metal, wires, fabric, carbon fibres, and C language, to build Nexø I.

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Categories: Blog

Published by Rasmus Agdestein on


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