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DEAR COPENHAGEN SUBORBITALS GUESTS, We'll get right to it: We need your help to run Copenhagen Suborbitals. This is a 100% non-profit project driven by sheer joy and hard work. We survive on donations averaging about $10, that we use to pay for raw materials, tools, our workshop, electricity and most importantly, rocket fuel. The entire CS team are unpaid volunteers, building rockets in our spare time. If this project brings you joy, please donate to keep it running. Thank you.

To characterize our BPM100 injector, we needed to go bigger than any other homemade project has gone before. The Spica rocket engine will burn through 50 liters of propellants each second. To simulate that on an injector we built this large water flow test stand.

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Published by Rasmus Agdestein on

1 Comment

restey · 19th October 2019 at 12:59 am

Back in 1960’s Soviets were testing rocket fuel tanks pressurization
Problem was in the cold climate of Kazakhstan the water would have froze solid

Solution was to use a 40% ethanol solution aka filled tanks with Vodka to conduct test! !

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