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In this video we take you with us to cut some nylon fabric into gores for our updated Ballute design. The Ballute is an inflatable deceleration device which will stabilize and slow down our crewed, homemade Spica space cabsule on it’s journey back from space.

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Published by Rasmus Agdestein on


Uwe · 17th April 2020 at 3:10 pm

What type of sewing thread as well as fabric are you considering ? Beside their strength, do they have to withstand also some higher temperature ?

Keep going – it is very fascinating what you are doing.

Mads Stenfatt · 17th April 2020 at 3:12 pm

Hi Uwe
For the flight versions we use kevlar thread and fabric. And yes, we need the material to be heat resistant due to the high termperatures caused by air friction during re-entry.
Thank you – we’ll do our best!


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