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Original blog by Jesper Rosendal.

The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle we call Nexø II are about to be assembled. The pieces are a collection of aluminium parts, tubes, valves, wires, tanks, bolts, nuts and so on. When all the pieces are in place, we should hopefully have assembled a rocket.

Nexø II in the workshop.

Nexø II in the workshop.

Nexø II has looked half-finished for some time, with no apparent progress on completion. This is because the rocket is a modular design, and different people has been working on different parts, in the workshop and elsewhere.
Now all the parts are just about assembled, the fuselage has been painted white, and Nexø II now looks like a rocket.
We still have to do some adjustments, mainly on the engine, but we are just about done.
Next phase will consist of a large number of tests, to verify that the systems function as intended, before we sail to Bornholm and launch the rocket.
You may have noticed that our video team has upped their productivity significantly. They are now producing several video series, describing what is happening in Copenhagen Suborbitals, what we do in our workshop and status of the rocket development.
You can watch the videos on this website and on our youtube channel. If you subscribe to our youtube channel, you will receive a message when new episodes are released. This is the latest episode, where Morten describes the preparations leading up to the launch this summer.
We have started a campaign to enable us to fund the alcohol, helium, diesel fuel and other necessities required to launch a rocket at sea. The Indiegogo campaign can be found here. You are invited to support us towards our goal of launching a human being into space through either Indiegogo or our website.

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Categories: Blog

Published by Bo Braendstrup on

1 Comment

Robert Clark · 13th May 2017 at 5:46 am

When do you expect to reach the Karman line for suborbital space?

Once you get suborbital, it is easy to get fully orbital by parallel staging multiple copies:

You can then get literally million dollar revenues per launch even for a small size rocket.

BTW, you can lightweight your current rockets to reach 100 km by using composite tanks and graphite engines, saving perhaps 50% off the weight of these two key components of a rocket.

You can also improve the ISP by using an aerospike. The aerospike is easy to achieve for pressure fed engines since you can make the combustion chamber toroidal from the beginning.

Bob Clark

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