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Dear readers,

Here’s a short update about the current activities in CS.

A few weeks ago, we held the annual general meeting, which meant a little change in the board. Kristian Sørensen, who has been working hard as chairman in recent years, needed a break and has therefore retired from the board. After the constitution, the board is now as seen below:

  • Chairman: Carsten Olsen
  • Vice Chairman: Jacob Larsen
  • Secretary: Jesper Rosendahl
  • Treasurer: Thomas Pedersen
  • Board Member: Niels Johansen
  • Substitutes: Niels Foldager and Mads Wilson

The new board’s focus is the same as it has always been: securing economy and operation and leading CS towards the launch of the Spica rockets. The CS Board’s work is not about the events that happen every day in the workshop, but more about the larger perspectives and issues that emerge and which CS as a whole should focus on. We have recently received news that a working group will be established to look at the need to “regulate rocket activities below 100KM” in Denmark.…

This is not surprising, as it has already been recommended by the working group that prepared the basis for “The Space Law”. (See the report here in Danish…)

CS has also been invited to participate. We are excited to get involved so early in the process as it is something that to some extend concerns us. We are probably the group in Denmark who has the most practical experience in the field.

On the more practical level things are moving forward.

We’re continuing the development of the capsule, working on the test stand for the BPM100 engine. Electronics are being tested, ships are being made ready and a lot of other stuff. And then of course we are working on preparations for the Nexø II launch. We’re in the early stages of looking into possible launch dates.

An example of progress of various tasks last Saturday:

  • The large capsule stand was painted
  • The cradle of the capsule stand has got its first coat of paint
  • The new frame for the big waterflow test stand has been cleaned and is ready to get painted
  • The holes in the endcaps of the capsule have been closed and well sanded.
  • Bolette’s anchor was cleaned for rust and has been given a first coat of paint.
  • Wood-Nexø has been painted white and orange. Steel Finns have been primed.

Recovery test

For those who do not know, “Wood-Nexø” is a 1:1 model of the rocket without a nose cone, which we need to practice recovery of the rocket from the water and onto the deck of Bolette Munkholm. We have not previously done recovery using a crane our self, so we would like to practice the operation several times, so we do not have any surprises on the Baltic Sea this summer.

The wooden rocket in sections. We need it for recovery testing, to practice us getting Nexø II from the water to the deck of our mission control ship – Illustration: Copenhagen Suborbitals

Engine test

It has been decided that we will perform one final engine test before launch to validate the DPR system for the last time. It’s been a while since the test stand was in use last, so we have checked its readiness. The electronics of the test stand has been reviewed and tested. Two defective valves and a nonfunctional pressure sensor were found. Everything has been fixed and the test stand is now fitted with a LOX-cleaned BPM-5 engine. The test stand is thus ready, so now we just need the logistics in place. We are aiming for an engine test on May 5th and 6th.

Nexø II

We have repeatedly tested the high-pressure system for leaks but there are still problems with the DPR high pressure valve. Lastly, we replaced the O-rings and after that it was carefully assembled. The valve was not leaking at 40 bars, but unfortunately it leaked some at 320 bars. We are working on a solution, but we may need to find another valve type. It’s one of the areas where we could use a sponsor.

Capsule and parachute

The capsule group is in full swing, as you can read in the latest blogs. Right now, the group is working on a seat mockup. The purpose is to get a seat mounted in our prototype capsule soon. Positioning the astronaut is important, both for medical and practical reasons.

The parachute department has completed a new type of ballute, and a manned test in Beldringe will be planned as soon as possible. There will be much more about that later.

Experiments with seat positions, Carsten Olsen seems to be enjoying the situation. – Illustration: Copenhagen Suborbitals

New people

Just a week ago we gave a tour of our workshop to a larger group of very interested people and it has already given us a handful of new potential members. We are happy, because as always, we lack people. In addition, we have got Lasse on the marine team and Alexander in the electronics group. We can still use more, both for PR and fundraising, Electronics, Mechanics, Marine, etc. There is a need for hands all around.

New sponsors

We are also pleased to welcome Danelec Marine as a new CS sponsor. Danelec produces ECDIS and VDR systems and has donated a full navigation- and VDR system for Bolette Munkholm and supported CS with a cash donation. We have also welcomed Thürmer Tools, who have donated different types of cutting tools. The company 3D Connection sponsors this year’s licenses for the 3D programs “Rhinoceros” and “Flamingo”.

The new ECDIS from Danelec Marine, installed on board “Bolette Munkholm” – Illustration: Morten Bulskov

Without our support members and sponsors, CS could not exist. We are extremely grateful that you support this amazing and crazy project. We can always use more sponsors. Each time we get something donated it allows us to “drive further on the gallon”. It keeps the overall costs down.

Right now, we are looking for sponsors for:

  • Hosting (We have a stack of servers running in HAB, which could be conveniently placed in a hosting center. This would save us power and extend the life of the computer significantly.)
  • Tools and “Supplies”. We spend money on “smaller stuff” that’s needed in a workshop. It could be anything from cans with WD40 to paper wipes and rubber gloves.
  • Paint. It’s not a big deal, but some liters are used each year.
  • Valves and mechanical parts. We use these kinds of parts a lot, and with the larger engines in the pipeline, valves and valve controls will become a major expense.
  • Servicing of for example compressors. We have some machines, for example compressors both in the workshop and on the ships that must be checked regularly.
  • Filters and lubricants. The wheel loader, Sputnik and Bolette Munkholm have diesel engines that regularly needs new filters and oil.
  • Insurances. It’s a major expense item in our budget, so an insurance company would be a great sponsor. Cash donations is of course always welcome also from companies. We would happily give a lecture, tour or other types of exposure in return.

As a CS sponsor, you are obviously mentioned on the site, but depending on the size of the sponsorship we can also participate in various marketing activities that relates to the sponsorship. So, if you’re in a company that would like to support us – then send an email to and let’s see what we can agree on. Also, even if it’s about something else than mentioned above.

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Published by Mads Wilson on