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Current Affairs The FIDO system.

In this video, Thomas and Steen talk about the FIDO program. The FIDO program serves to provide situation awareness before, during and after the launch. Input comes from the rocket’s GPS and altimeter, Engine Controller Read more…


DPR Water Flow Test on Nexø II

In this video Flemming Nyboe explains about the dynamic pressure regulation (DPR) system and the adjustments needed to transfer the system from test stand use to flight use. The test is performed using demineralised water Read more…


Nexø II Tabletop ECU test

Tabletop ECU (engine control unit) test, testing serial communication, including the cable trees. Two wire pairs were swopped, which has been fixed in software.


A tribute to jet vanes

We have successfully launched two actively guided rockets, Sapphire and Nexø I. On both rockets, thrust vectoring was obtained through the use of jet vanes inserted into the engine exhaust. The jet vanes shown in this Read more…
